Evidence-based care for your most important relationship.
All services are available for both individuals and couples.
Couples Counseling
You are fighting more than usual. The thought of spending time with your partner ties you in knots instead of filling you with joyful anticipation. If something doesn’t change soon, you will not make it. Whether this describes your current situation or is one you want to be sure to avoid - let’s talk.
Sex Therapy
Something isn’t working. You want a healthy, complete, and satisfying sex life, but it’s a lot more complicated than you were led to believe. You need to talk about sex. You bring the values; I’ll bring the evidence-based best practices. We will work together to support long-lasting healthy, and satisfying sexual function and pleasure.
Individual Therapy & Coaching
There are many reasons you might be looking for some help right now. While you (and your partner) are the most critical factors that predict success in therapy, the quality of your relationship with your therapist is not far behind. If you think we would be a good fit, let's try each other on. Anyone is welcome for an initial consult.